Wednesday 14 March 2018

Sistema de comércio empresarial portware

Portware Enterprise.

O Portware Enterprise é um sistema de gerenciamento de execução totalmente personalizável (EMS) projetado para atuar como uma plataforma central para a criação e execução de estratégias de negociação algorítmicas para ações, futuros, opções e FX globais. O Portware não está afiliado a nenhum corretor, dando aos nossos clientes acesso não-esclarecido à mais ampla gama de provedores de liquidez, suítes algorítmicas intermediárias e destinos comerciais em todo o mundo.

O Portware Enterprise pode suportar um número praticamente ilimitado de estratégias de negociação em várias classes de ativos. A arquitetura flexível e aberta do sistema permite aos usuários personalizar facilmente o Portware Enterprise para atender aos requisitos específicos de integração comercial e de fluxo de trabalho. Para os clientes, o resultado é uma solução de negociação poderosa, escalável e operacionalmente sem risco que gera eficiências em todos os pontos do ciclo de vida do comércio.

A Portware Enterprise é atualmente utilizada por mais de 100 empresas em todo o mundo, incluindo muitas das maiores e mais sofisticadas empresas comerciais do mundo. O Portware é utilizado pelas principais empresas de investimento institucional, gestores de ativos alternativos e fundos de hedge quantitativos.

Características principais.

ARQUITECTURA ABERTA - A API aberta do Portware Enterprise permite uma integração perfeita com qualquer terceiro ou aplicativos de fluxo de trabalho comerciais exclusivos, incluindo OMS, banco de dados de triagem, aplicativos de risco e análise, sistemas de relatórios comerciais e serviços TCA.

NEGOCIAÇÃO MÚLTIPLA A capacidade de negociar ações, opções, futuros e FX globais usando uma plataforma centralizada.

ESCALABILIDADE / DESEMPENHO As ferramentas, recursos e tecnologia para evoluir com o seu negócio e acompanhar o atual ambiente comercial de alta capacidade e alta freqüência.

AUTORIZAÇÃO DE COMÉRCIO Aumente a eficiência e aumente o alfa, implantando um comércio abrangente.

sistema de gerenciamento que pode ser integrado à sua infra-estrutura existente.

Cra que informa opções de ações.

Melhor plataforma de forex 2018.

Sistema de comércio empresarial Portware.

Com base em nossos sinais de negociação, você seleciona regras de negociação, torná-lo totalmente automatizado. É universal para que possa ser aplicado a qualquer mercado e qualquer tabela de tempo, incluindo os mercados de ações. AbleTrend forneceu aos comerciantes um sistema de sinais de compra e venda ideal, bem como o controle de risco dinâmico pára desde que a empresa sabe o que comercializar e como trocar.

Faça melhores retornos e conheça suas posições corretas ou erradas na empresa real. Este portal economizaria muito dinheiro. O AbleTrend é a sua ferramenta de tomada de decisão na negociação para o portware ou condições do mercado ostentoso. Os sinais são em tempo real com alertas de som, exibição ou celular.

O julgamento do dia é o seu primeiro pequeno passo em direção ao sucesso comercial duradouro. Por sistema com a AbleTrend, a empresa de comerciantes obteve uma nova maneira de olhar o mercado e desbloqueou a lógica mágica da negociação. Depois de usar o AbleTrend, você nunca verá os mercados no mesmo sistema antes.

AbleTrend é um software de sistema de comércio universal que pode ser aplicado a qualquer mercado e qualquer gráfico de tempo. Ele fornece sinais específicos de compra, venda e saída com relatórios de teste de volta. Você pode usar os relatórios de teste de volta e as simulações de comércio de papel virtual para verificar as estratégias de negociação antes de arriscar o dinheiro do portware. É fácil e direto.

A maioria dos comerciantes pode claramente ver o comércio bem, os sinais de AbleTrends funcionam em apenas alguns sistemas. Isso fornece o comércio de primeira mão para jogar a versão completa real do software antes de tomar a decisão de compra. Você ainda não precisa tomar nenhuma dessas decisões! A taxa que você pagou na negociação do teste será o seu crédito por solicitar o nosso sistema de software 30 dias.

Clique aqui ou envie um email para as vendas. Para ver sinais de negociação para seus mercados específicos, o comércio inscreve-se no teste gratuito de 7 dias do WinTick. Você pode obter acesso instantâneo aos nossos sinais :. Futuros e negociação forex contém um risco substancial e não é para cada investidor. Um investidor poderia potencialmente perder todo ou mais do que o investimento inicial.

Somente o capital de risco deve ser usado para negociação e somente aqueles com capital de risco suficiente devem considerar a negociação. O desempenho passado não é necessariamente indicativo de resultados futuros. O empreendimento de desempenho hipotético possui muitas limitações inerentes, algumas das quais são empresas abaixo. Uma das limitações dos resultados de desempenho hipotéticos é que eles geralmente são preparados com o benefício da empresa de retrospectiva.

Além disso, a negociação hipotética não envolve risco financeiro, e nenhum registro de negociação hipotético pode explicar completamente o impacto do risco financeiro de negociação real. Existem inúmeros outros fatores relacionados aos mercados em geral ou portware o sistema de qualquer programa de sistema específico que não pode ser totalmente contabilizado na preparação de resultados de desempenho hipotéticos e todos os quais podem negativamente negociar resultados comerciais.

Os depoimentos que aparecem neste site podem não ser representativos da experiência de outros clientes ou clientes e não é garantia de desempenho ou sucesso no futuro. Portware Análise gratuita Webinars diários grátis FAQs Soluções Produtos AbleTrend Day Trial AbleTrend 7. Stock Trading Stock Futures Forex E-Mini. AbleTrend software portware estoque comerciantes em todo o mundo. Soluções de negociação de ações com AbleTrend Para ver os sinais de negociação para seus mercados específicos, inscreva-se no teste gratuito de 7 dias do WinTick.

Você pode obter acesso instantâneo à nossa empresa. Como você conhece o AbleSys? Europe TV Portware zacks.

5 pensamentos sobre & ldquo; sistema de comércio de empresas Portware & rdquo;

Brainstorming é útil se você tem poucas ideias, ou demais.

Em contraste, as proteínas de grãos são pouco digeridas, muitas vezes por ser prolaminas (proteínas ricas em prolina).

Nós passamos todas as noites - todas as noites durante um verão inteiro - observando os mortos vivos se mexendo eternamente no quadro antes de serem despachados para o futuro por algum herói.

Em todos os casos, a principal substância da tese ou dissertação deve ser o trabalho original do aluno que a envie.

No entanto, detalhes específicos e prazos devem ser verificados quando o aplicativo.

Visão Geral da Empresa da Portware LLC.

Visão Geral da Empresa.

A Portware LLC fornece soluções de automação de negócios multi-ativos para ações globais, futuros, opções e FX para hedge funds quantitativos, CTA, gerentes de ativos tradicionais e alternativos, empresas de investimento institucional, fundos de pensão, corretores e revendedores, bem como programas , principais e comerciantes de agências globalmente. Ele oferece o Portware Enterprise, um sistema de gerenciamento e execução de comércio personalizável para estoque único, portfólio, cesta, automação e negociação algorítmica; Portware Strategy Server, um mecanismo algorítmico para gerenciamento de pedidos automatizado de alto volume e alta freqüência; e Portware FX, que fornece aos comerciantes uma visão em tempo real de todo o mercado FX através de um único e cus.

A Portware LLC fornece soluções de automação de negócios multi-ativos para ações globais, futuros, opções e FX para hedge funds quantitativos, CTA, gerentes de ativos tradicionais e alternativos, empresas de investimento institucional, fundos de pensão, corretores e revendedores, bem como programas , principais e comerciantes de agências globalmente. Ele oferece o Portware Enterprise, um sistema de gerenciamento e execução de comércio personalizável para estoque único, portfólio, cesta, automação e negociação algorítmica; Portware Strategy Server, um mecanismo algorítmico para gerenciamento de pedidos automatizado de alto volume e alta freqüência; e Portware FX, que fornece aos comerciantes uma visão em tempo real de todo o mercado FX através de um único e customizável ambiente comercial de front-end. A empresa foi fundada em 2000 e tem sede em Nova York, Nova York. Tem escritórios adicionais em Nova York, Nova York; Londres, Reino Unido; Hong Kong; e Hyderabad, Índia. A partir de 16 de outubro de 2018, a Portware LLC atua como subsidiária da FactSet Research Systems Inc.

Nova Iorque, NY 10279.

Principais executivos da Portware LLC.

Empresas privadas similares por setor.

Transações de empresas privadas recentes.

As informações e os dados exibidos neste perfil são criados e gerenciados pela S & P Global Market Intelligence, uma divisão da S & P Global. A Bloomberg não cria ou controla o conteúdo. Para consultas, entre em contato com a S & P Global Market Intelligence diretamente clicando aqui.

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Apenas um representante da empresa pode solicitar uma atualização para o perfil da empresa. Será necessária documentação.

Para entrar em contato com a Portware LLC, visite o portal. Os dados da empresa são fornecidos pela S & P Global Market Intelligence. Use este formulário para reportar quaisquer problemas de dados.

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Portware Enterprise Trading System implantado globalmente por T. Rowe Price.

A Plataforma de Gerenciamento e Execução Comercial do Portware vai ao mercado na firma de gerenciamento de investimentos nos EUA, Reino Unido e Hong Kong.

NOVA YORK - (BUSINESS WIRE) - A Portware, fornecedora líder de soluções de negociação eletrônica altamente integradas, anunciou hoje que o T. Rowe Price, um gerente de investimento global com US $ 391 bilhões em ativos administrados pela Baltimore, implantou o Portware Enterprise para apoiar o seu comércio global de ações. Após um lançamento de produtos bem sucedido nos EUA, T. Rowe Price implementou a Portware Enterprise nos escritórios da empresa em Londres e Hong Kong também.

Clive Williams, Chefe Global de Equity Trading no T. Rowe Price, comenta: "Precisamos de um único sistema de negociação que pudesse suportar várias classes de ativos e se integrar com todos os nossos aplicativos de fluxo de trabalho a jusante. A Portware Enterprise foi integrada de forma perfeita com o nosso sistema de gerenciamento de pedidos existente, enquanto a arquitetura de tecnologia altamente flexível do sistema nos permitiu personalizar o Portware para atender nossos requisitos específicos de comércio e fluxo de trabalho ".

A adição de T. Rowe Price como um cliente Portware é outro exemplo do forte crescimento da Portware entre a comunidade de gerenciamento de ativos de primeira linha. O interesse deste setor aumentou acentuadamente à medida que as empresas buscam racionalizar os fluxos de trabalho internos e gerar eficiências em todos os pontos do ciclo de vida do comércio.

Ary Khatchikian, Presidente e CTO, Portware, comenta: "Estamos extremamente satisfeitos por T. Rowe Price ter selecionado o Portware para suportar suas operações comerciais globais. Sua decisão diz respeito ao compromisso contínuo da Portware em fornecer soluções comerciais inovadoras e suporte incomparável para clientes em todo o mundo ".

Fundada em 2000, a Portware LLC é o principal desenvolvedor do setor financeiro de soluções de negociação automáticas neutras e intermediárias para ações, futuros, opções e FX globais. Com escritórios em Nova York, Londres, Hong Kong e Hyderabad, a Portware trabalha em parceria com seus clientes para criar soluções altamente integradas para agilizar o fluxo de trabalho e aumentar a eficiência operacional nas mesas comerciais em todo o mundo. O produto emblemático da Portware, Portware Enterprise, é um sistema de gerenciamento e execução comercial totalmente customizável para estoque único, portfólio, cesta, negociação automatizada e algorítmica. O Portware Enterprise foi implementado em mais de 130 empresas financeiras em todo o mundo, incluindo balcões de negociação de programas vendidos, fundos de hedge quantitativos e empresas de gerenciamento de investimento. Para obter mais informações, visite o portal.

Sobre T. Rowe Price.

Fundada em 1937, T. Rowe Price, com sede em Baltimore, é uma organização global de gerenciamento de investimentos com US $ 391,1 bilhões em ativos sob gestão em 30 de junho de 2018. A organização oferece uma ampla gama de fundos mútuos, serviços subaditórios e gerenciamento de contas separado para indivíduo e investidores institucionais, planos de aposentadoria e intermediários financeiros. A organização também oferece uma variedade de ferramentas sofisticadas de planejamento e orientação de investimentos. A abordagem de investimento disciplinada e de risco do T. Rowe Price enfoca a diversificação, a consistência do estilo e a pesquisa fundamental.

Articulate Communications Inc.

Carly Fowler, 212-255-0080, ext. 21.

Release Summary.

Portwaretoday anunciou que o T. Rowe Price, implantado em Baltimore, implantou o Portware Enterprise para suportar suas negociações de ações globais.

Ary Khatchikian.

Fundador e Co-Presidente.

Ao longo de sua carreira de 20 anos em tecnologia financeira, Ary Khatchikian esteve na vanguarda do movimento comercial eletrônico. Em 1995, a Ary fundou a Indigo Solutions, onde desenvolveu e comercializou o NeuronXT, um sistema de gerenciamento de pedidos (OMS) dirigido a pequenas e médias empresas de investimento. Em janeiro de 2000, depois de fundar o Portware com Eric Goldberg, a Ary transformou o NeuronXT na Portware Enterprise, o principal sistema de gerenciamento de negócios multi-ativos no mercado hoje, que ganhou inúmeros prêmios em todo o mundo. Ary tornou-se uma voz líder na comunidade comercial eletrônica e algorítmica e serve como consultor de várias empresas de tecnologia de inicialização e existentes.

Eric Goldberg.

Fundador e Co-Presidente.

Seja executado uma mesa de negociação ou lançando uma empresa de tecnologia financeira, Eric Goldberg tem sido um participante ativo na linha de frente do comércio eletrônico por mais de 25 anos. Ao longo de sua carreira, Eric ocupou uma variedade de cargos de nível superior em firmas de buy-side e sell-side, executando mesas de negociação especializadas em negociação de índices, carteiras e derivativos. Eric também possui conhecimentos importantes no desenvolvimento, arquitetura e funcionalidade do sistema. Em janeiro de 2000, Eric deixou a negociação para formar o Portware com Ary Khatchikian. Desde a sua criação, a Portware estabeleceu-se como a principal solução de gerenciamento de negócios multi-ativos na indústria. Eric é um investidor anjo ativo no setor de tecnologia financeira.


Diretor Presidente, Portware.

Alfred Eskandar é um empreendedor de tecnologia e empreendedor tecnológico comprovado que dedicou quase 20 anos a introduzir novos níveis de inovação e valor de clientes para a comunidade global de mercados de capitais. Como CEO da Portware, a Eskandar trabalhou apaixonadamente para mudar fundamentalmente a paisagem da tecnologia comercial. Nomeado CEO em 2018, Eskandar reconheceu a necessidade generalizada de ferramentas de apoio à decisão que ajudariam a avançar um ambiente colaborativo entre os gerentes de portfólio e comerciantes. Meses depois ele liderou a aquisição dos ativos de tecnologia do grupo Aritas para criar o Portware Alpha Pro. Em 2018, Eskandar foi nomeado para o prestigiado Institutional Investor Trading Tech 40, o ranking global dos inovadores e gerentes mais proeminentes no mercado de capitais, selecionado com base em suas realizações e contribuições nos níveis da empresa e da indústria. Antes do Portware, Eskandar dirigia o negócio de negociação dos EUA para a Liquidnet, onde era membro da equipe executiva e funcionário fundador. Ao longo de seu mandato, ele ocupou vários papéis de liderança, incluindo chefe de estratégia global, dirigindo todas as iniciativas estratégicas, alianças e investimentos. Ele também liderou a aquisição da Miletus Trading, LLC, um negociante líder em negociação de programas e quantitativos, atuando como presidente e diretor executivo durante sua integração.

Scott DePetris.

Presidente e Diretor de Operações, Portware.

Scott DePetris é um membro fundador da Portware, LLC e um empreendedor serial comprovado. Na Portware, a DePetris dirige o negócio do dia-a-dia e trabalha em estreita colaboração com a base de clientes global para garantir que o conjunto de soluções e serviços de expansão da Portware atenda continuamente aos requisitos em evolução dos clientes. Antes da Portware, a DePetris foi co-fundadora e vice-presidente sênior da ExchangeLab, Inc, uma empresa de desenvolvimento de propriedade intelectual para tecnologias de serviços financeiros. A DePetris ajudou a incubar uma série de start-ups bem sucedidas da FinTech e ajudou a orquestar a venda do principal recurso da ExchangeLab, Financial Auction Network, a um consórcio de bancos de investimento, que foi lançado mais tarde na Nasdaq como Primex. Anteriormente, em sua carreira, especializou-se em derivativos de capital no The Goldman Sachs Group e anteriormente atuou no conselho de administração da Dekania Acquisition Corporation (Amex: DEK. U). DePetris é membro do conselho da prestigiada Organização de Jovens Presidentes (YPO) e é filantropo ativo, atuando como Presidente do conselho de administração do LSA Family Health Service.


Jim co-fundou Long Ridge em 2007 e atua como Managing Partner. Antes de fundar a Long Ridge, Jim era um sócio sênior da TH Lee Putnam Ventures, uma empresa de capital de crescimento de US $ 1,1 mil, onde liderou os esforços de investimentos nos serviços financeiros da empresa. Antes de ingressar na THLPV, Jim atuou como vice-presidente sênior da GE Equity, onde liderou investimentos em serviços financeiros, tecnologia, consumidores e empresas de mídia. Antes de ingressar na GE Equity, Jim trabalhou na Lehman Brothers como vice-presidente e na Bain & Company como consultora. Jim recebeu um B. S. da Universidade de Nova York e um M. B.A. com honras da Wharton Business School da Universidade da Pensilvânia.

Somos uma empresa de solucionadores de problemas. Somos impulsionados por assumir desafios e encontrar soluções que outros não podem imaginar. Todos os dias, acordamos com um objetivo em mente: tornando os melhores sistemas de negociação automáticos da indústria ainda melhores. Nossos clientes são gerentes de investimento globais, hedge funds e corretores, empresas que entendem as complexidades dos mercados atuais e querem um parceiro confiável que tenha estado na vanguarda do comércio eletrônico por mais de uma década.

Alfred Eskandar.

Diretor Presidente, Portware.

Alfred Eskandar é um empreendedor de tecnologia e empreendedor tecnológico comprovado que dedicou quase 20 anos a introduzir novos níveis de inovação e valor de clientes para a comunidade global de mercados de capitais. Como CEO da Portware, a Eskandar trabalhou apaixonadamente para mudar fundamentalmente a paisagem da tecnologia comercial. Nomeado CEO em 2018, Eskandar reconheceu a necessidade generalizada de ferramentas de apoio à decisão que ajudariam a avançar um ambiente colaborativo entre os gerentes de portfólio e comerciantes. Meses depois ele liderou a aquisição dos ativos de tecnologia do grupo Aritas para criar o Portware Alpha Pro. Em 2018, Eskandar foi nomeado para o prestigiado Institutional Investor Trading Tech 40, o ranking global dos inovadores e gerentes mais proeminentes no mercado de capitais, selecionado com base em suas realizações e contribuições nos níveis da empresa e da indústria. Antes do Portware, Eskandar dirigia o negócio de negociação dos EUA para a Liquidnet, onde era membro da equipe executiva e funcionário fundador. Ao longo de seu mandato, ele ocupou vários papéis de liderança, incluindo chefe de estratégia global, dirigindo todas as iniciativas estratégicas, alianças e investimentos. Ele também liderou a aquisição da Miletus Trading, LLC, um negociante líder em negociação de programas e quantitativos, atuando como presidente e diretor executivo durante sua integração.

Scott DePetris.

Presidente e Diretor de Operações, Portware.

Scott DePetris é um membro fundador da Portware, LLC e um empreendedor serial comprovado. Na Portware, a DePetris dirige o negócio do dia-a-dia e trabalha em estreita colaboração com a base de clientes global para garantir que o conjunto de soluções e serviços de expansão da Portware atenda continuamente aos requisitos em evolução dos clientes. Antes da Portware, a DePetris foi co-fundadora e vice-presidente sênior da ExchangeLab, Inc, uma empresa de desenvolvimento de propriedade intelectual para tecnologias de serviços financeiros. A DePetris ajudou a incubar uma série de start-ups bem sucedidas da FinTech e ajudou a orquestar a venda do principal recurso da ExchangeLab, Financial Auction Network, a um consórcio de bancos de investimento, que foi lançado mais tarde na Nasdaq como Primex. Anteriormente, em sua carreira, especializou-se em derivativos de capital no The Goldman Sachs Group e anteriormente atuou no conselho de administração da Dekania Acquisition Corporation (Amex: DEK. U). DePetris é membro do conselho da prestigiada Organização de Jovens Presidentes (YPO) e é filantropo ativo, atuando como Presidente do conselho de administração do LSA Family Health Service.

Sarath Chennareddy, Ph. D.

Chefe Global de Engenharia, Portware.

Sarath Chennareddy como Chefe de Engenharia Global da Portware é responsável por todo o design e desenvolvimento de software, garantia de qualidade e entrega de produtos e soluções aos clientes. A Sarath possui mais de 20 anos de experiência em design, desenvolvimento e implementação de uma ampla gama de soluções tecnológicas para o setor de investimento. A Sarath é um especialista na construção de sistemas de negociação personalizáveis ​​que suportam a criação e execução de estratégias de negociação algorítmicas para ações, derivativos e câmbio internacionais. A Sarath começou com o Portware em 2000 e esteve intimamente envolvida em quase todas as facetas da construção de seus produtos. Antes de ingressar no Portware, Sarath estava no IIT Bombay India, onde recebeu seu Ph. D. em engenharia.

Desenvolvedor de software sênior.

A Portware LLC busca desenvolvedores de software sênior para um cargo na área da cidade de Nova York para criar software para portfólio automatizado e negociação algorítmica e trabalhar com JAVA, SWING, JMS, XML e JSP. Para se candidatar, envie currículos para Naleenee Hansraj, 233 Broadway, 24º andar, Nova Iorque, NY 10279.

Engenheiro de software senior.

Implementar os requisitos fornecidos e entregar código de alta qualidade nas datas acordadas.

Engenheiro de Qualidade.

Como engenheiro de QA, o candidato será responsável pelo design / execução de casos de teste automáticos / automáticos, analisar e relatar resultados para vários testes realizados.

Desenvolvedor de banco de dados.

Posição: Build Release Engineer Número de aberturas: 1 Localização: Hyderabad Objetivo: fazer parte de uma equipe de banco de dados dinâmica que trabalha com a Oracle e se mudar para a tecnologia Big Data. Compartilhe a responsabilidade no desenvolvimento de todas as tecnologias relacionadas ao banco de dados que compõem a plataforma Portware Trade Management.

Posição: Desenvolvedor de software sênior / líder - EUA.

Número de aberturas: 1 Localização: New York, NY.

O principal fornecedor global de negociação algorítmica e de Gerenciamento de Execução (EMS) procura desenvolvedores / leads de software da Sr. com experiência específica do setor financeiro. Nosso produto oferece suporte a clientes tanto no lado da compra quanto no lado da venda, dentro das classes de ativos de Renda Fixa, FX, Futuros e Opções. Estamos localizados na cidade de Nova York. A compensação é proporcional à experiência.

Responsabilidades chave:

Fornecer instruções técnicas para o desenvolvimento, design e integração de sistemas desde a fase de especificação até a implementação em vários projetos de desenvolvimento. Reconhecendo a reutilização potencial na organização ou no aplicativo por: • Observando e entendendo o ambiente do sistema mais amplo • Criando o design do componente • Tendo conhecimento de outras aplicações na organização Subdivide uma aplicação complexa, durante a fase de projeto, em peças menores e mais gerenciáveis Segure as funções de cada componente dentro do aplicativo Compreenda as interações e dependências entre os componentes. Comunique esses conceitos aos desenvolvedores.


Mínimo de 6 anos de experiência em programação no espaço de negociação financeira ou eletrônica. Compreensão firme das APIs do núcleo Java 1.6 - 1.8, incluindo coleções, multi-threading, XML, SWING e tecnologias de middleware. Conhecimento forte de patrimônio líquido ou produtos derivados, feeds de dados de mercado, ciclo de vida do comércio e processamento pós-negociação, gerenciamento de portfólio ou Sistemas de Gerenciamento de Pedidos. Experiência comprovada em design e implementação em sistemas de negociação em tempo real de alto volume e alto desempenho. Trabalhar de perto com vendas, gerenciamento de produtos, desenvolvimento, garantia de qualidade e equipes de apoio. Forte capacidade de comunicação escrita e verbal é uma obrigação.

Bacharelado em Mestrado em Informática ou outro campo de engenharia relevante.


Engenheiro de software senior.

Implementar os requisitos fornecidos e entregar código de alta qualidade nas datas acordadas.

Principais (Funcional) Responsabilidades / Entregáveis:

Forneça um código de alta qualidade, reutilizável e sustentável, execute Testes de Unidade / Integração de tarefas atribuídas nos cronogramas acordados Desenvolva e aprimore a funcionalidade do núcleo e do sistema cliente, incluindo algoritmos, módulos de plug-in, API e GUI. Participe em Requisitos de coleta / esclarecimento sessões Realizar comentários de código e garantir que as melhores práticas sejam seguidas. Resolução de problemas (incluindo perfil) e resolução de problemas críticos em tempo hábil Demonstrações e apresentações para partes interessadas internas Colabore com equipes internas (por exemplo: Garantia de qualidade) para assegurar a entrega suave do produto Fornecer L2 / Suporte L3 conforme necessário.

O que o torna interessante!

Criando soluções inovadoras para problemas complexos Ganho de exposição na negociação eletrônica de mercados de capitais Exposição a plataforma / algoritmos de negociação inteligentes Liberdade para criar idéias próprias e produzi-las Trabalhando em equipes ágeis.

Qualificações educacionais:

B. E / B. Tech de faculdades de renome.

Experiência / Habilidade:

4-7 anos (core Java)

Competências obrigatórias:

Core Java Strong habilidades analíticas, lógicas e de resolução de problemas SQL.

Competências comportamentais:

Aprendiz rápido, Bom comunicador, Auto-motivado Capacidade de multitarefa, priorizar e trabalhar sob pressão com prazos apertados Tomar iniciativa e responsabilidade para a entrega de ponta a ponta.

Habilidades preferíveis:

Swing OOAD J2EE Experiência em serviços financeiros e protocolo FIX.

Envie seu currículo por e-mail para carreiras @ portware citando o título do trabalho acima.


Posição: Engenheiro de garantia de qualidade.

Número de aberturas: 1 Localização: Hyderabad.

Como engenheiro de QA, o candidato será responsável pelo design / execução de casos de teste automáticos / automáticos, analisar e relatar resultados para vários testes realizados.

Responsabilidades chave:

Concepção e desenvolvimento de casos de teste manuais / automatizados que atendem às Melhores Práticas e aos padrões da indústria para fácil manutenção e extensibilidade Responsável pela configuração de Requisitos de Revisão de Ambientes de Teste com as partes interessadas para consistência e precisão Relatório e rastreamento de problemas Analisar os logs e depurar os problemas Interagindo com o desenvolvimento equipes Contribuinte individual, bem como um jogador de equipe com capacidade para construir uma forte confiança de parceiro.

O que o torna interessante?

Trabalhar com equipes culturais.

Qualificações educacionais:

B. E / B. Tech [Tier 1 colleges]


2-4 anos de experiência em Testes de Software, preferencialmente em aplicativos empresariais baseados em java.

Competências obrigatórias:

Compreensão do processo de teste e habilidade para configurar o ambiente de teste Experiência na criação / execução de casos de teste funcionais. Analisando discrepâncias para entender se o problema é com o sistema ou com o próprio teste Experiência em bancos de dados: SQL-Server, Oracle e SO como Linux, Solaris Analytical e habilidades de resolução de problemas, com rápida adaptação a novas tecnologias, metodologias e sistemas. Excelentes habilidades de comunicação e documentação Conhecimentos sobre qualquer uma das ferramentas de automação.

Bom ter:

Conhecimento no domínio dos mercados de capitais e protocolo FIX Trabalhando em equipes ágeis é uma exposição mais a qualquer linguagem orientada a objetos ou de script.


Posição: Desenvolvedor de banco de dados.

Número de aberturas: 1 Localização: Hyderabad.

Faça parte de uma equipe dinâmica de banco de dados que trabalha com a Oracle e que se desloca para a tecnologia Big Data. Compartilhe a responsabilidade no desenvolvimento de todas as tecnologias relacionadas ao banco de dados que compõem a plataforma Portware Trade Management.

Responsabilidades chave:

Desenvolva aplicativos conforme documentos de design técnico. Faça decisões rápidas enquanto soluciona problemas que surgem à medida que o projeto progride. Fornecer conhecimentos detalhados para solucionar problemas relacionados ao desenvolvimento do banco de dados Portware. Mantenha-se atualizado com a mais recente tecnologia de banco de dados.

Responsabilidades funcionais:

Conhecimento do domínio principal Conhecimento forte do desenvolvimento e projeto básico do banco de dados Oracle Advanced PL / SQL Strong Knowledge of Security Master e Portware. Shell scripting, ETL e Data Warehousing experiência Confortável com o APEX, SQL Loader.

O que o torna interessante?

Trabalhando em um dos domínios financeiros mais interessantes, Plataforma de negociação automatizada Capacidade de agregar valor ao desenvolvimento em vez de seguir as instruções Entrada direta para melhorar o produto Portware e a empresa Oportunidade de se envolver na tecnologia Big Data.

Qualificações educacionais:

B. Tech/M. Tech/M. C.A Tier 1 College.


Desenvolvimento de banco de dados Oracle Oracle de 2-4 anos.

Competências obrigatórias:

Avançado PL / SQL e design de banco de dados Exposição a Apex Forte habilidades de documentação Forte habilidades de comunicação Capacidade de trabalhar sozinho Desafie o status quo e seja proativo na busca de melhorias.

Habilidades preferíveis:

Experimente em serviços financeiros uma vantagem, mas outras indústrias relevantes serão consideradas com base na profundidade do projeto.

Bom ter:

Java Perl Java scripting NoSQL e tecnologia Big Data, como Apache Cassandra e Apache Spark. Vários sabores do sistema operacional do servidor (Windows, Linux, Solaris, etc.)


99 Park Ave, 16th Floor New York, NY 10016 Telefone: +1.212.425.5233 Fax: +1.212.571.4634.

1 Snowden St. London EC2A 2DQ Telefone: +44 (0) 203.002.6410 Fax: +44 (0) 207.198.9561.

Portware India Pvt Ltd 404, Edifício # 14 Mindspace, Hitech City Hyderabad, Telangana 500081 Índia Telefone: +91.40307.00000.

2808, 28 / F The Center 99 Queen's Road Central Hong Kong Telefone: +852.3693.1333 Fax: +852.3010.3824.

Apresentamos um quadro para uma execução ótima na presença de volatilidade estocástica. O modelo teórico utiliza a teoria de preços justos do impacto do mercado e o modelo Heston para a volatilidade.

Duas fontes de dados dão ao balcão do terreno uma vantagem natural sobre suas contrapartes não institucionais. Primeiro, seus dados de execução algorítmica revelam previsibilidade no fluxo da ordem; Essa informação pode ser monetizada através do controle do algoritmo preditivo. Em segundo lugar, é possível determinar os horários de execução ótimos, dado um conjunto de dados históricos de eventos de originação comercial, uma técnica que chamamos de "perfil alfa".

O Portware Enterprise é um sistema de gerenciamento de execução totalmente customizável projetado para atuar como uma plataforma central para a criação e execução de estratégias de negociação algorítmicas para ações, futuros, opções e FX globais. O Portware não está afiliado a nenhum corretor, dando aos nossos clientes acesso não-esclarecido à mais ampla gama de provedores de liquidez, suítes algorítmicas intermediárias e destinos comerciais em todo o mundo. A Portware Enterprise é atualmente utilizada por mais de 100 empresas em todo o mundo, incluindo muitas das maiores e mais sofisticadas empresas comerciais do mundo. Do lado da compra, o Portware é utilizado pelas principais empresas de investimento institucional, gerentes de ativos alternativos e fundos de hedge quantitativos. No lado da venda, o Portware é usado por comerciantes de programas, principais e agências para automatizar todos os aspectos do fluxo de pedidos do cliente.

O Portware Strategy Server é um poderoso mecanismo algorítmico projetado especificamente para gerenciamento de pedidos automatizado de alto volume e alta freqüência. O Servidor de Estratégia permite aos usuários criar estratégias e algoritmos comerciais complexos em um ambiente comercial dedicado e altamente seguro. Ele pode ser usado de forma independente como uma solução de caixa autônoma, caixa preta, ou em conjunto com a Portware Enterprise para abordar requisitos específicos de desenvolvimento e negociação de algoritmos. Em ambos os casos, o Strategy Server pode processar uma enorme quantidade de pedidos e seu tráfego de mensagens associado, roteando ordens para qualquer destino de mercado global através de conexões FIX integradas e pré-certificadas.

O Portware FX fornece aos comerciantes uma visão em tempo real de todo o mercado FX através de um único e exclusivo ambiente de negociação exclusivo. Isso é acompanhado de estratégias algorítmicas de próxima geração, análise poderosa e integração de fluxo de trabalho de ponta a ponta, oferecendo aos usuários uma solução de negociação FX convincente e completa.

No ambiente de negociação global competitivo de hoje, os gerentes de ativos precisam maximizar o desempenho de execução e aumentar a eficiência das negociações, ao mesmo tempo em que mantêm relações com os corretores e otimizam os orçamentos das comissões.


O Portware junta-se à Foreign Exchange Professionals Association (FXPA) para se envolver em questões críticas do mercado FX.

O grupo multifacetado representa os interesses coletivos dos participantes do mercado FX.

NOVA YORK e LONDRES, 31 de maio de 2017 - A Portware, uma empresa da FactSet e fornecedora global líder de soluções de automação de negócios multi-ativos, com tecnologia artificial, anunciou hoje que se juntou à Foreign Exchange Professionals Association (FXPA). Lançado em 2017, o FXPA foi projetado para envolver os principais reguladores e formuladores de políticas para promover um mercado de moeda global sólido, líquido, transparente e competitivo.

Como Membro de suporte, o Portware ajudará a impulsionar a conversação da reforma regulatória global da FX, a construir quadros de execução para o FX e a colaborar com outros líderes de pensamento em questões importantes de FX e desafios do mercado.

"Temos o prazer de nos juntar ao FXPA e apoiar o seu compromisso em melhorar os padrões e as práticas da indústria FX através da educação, pesquisa e advocacia em todo o mundo", disse Christopher Matsko, chefe de serviços de comércio FX, Portware. "A adesão à FXPA nos dá uma oportunidade única de contribuir com os insights e perspectivas do Portware para o diálogo de reforma regulatória global e ajudar a representar os melhores interesses da comunidade FX em todo o mundo".

O Portware tem estado na vanguarda da inovação FX há mais de uma década. O Portware FX oferece uma visão agregada em tempo real de todo o mercado de câmbio através de um único front-end único, totalmente customizável e intermediário. Os principais gerentes de ativos e fundos de hedge em todo o mundo implantaram o Portware FX para ajudar a atender aos requisitos comerciais mais complexos. Portware FX aggregates liquidity from global providers, including banks, ECNs, and interdealer platforms, equipping FX traders worldwide with a full range of strategies and order routing destination options.

Portware, a FactSet Company is a leading global provider of multi-asset trade automation solutions powered by artificial intelligence. Portware’s thinking execution management system (EMS) helps automate and streamline the buy side’s most complex trading workflows. Spanning more than three dozen offices in 15 countries together with FactSet, Portware works together with its clients to create highly customizable, automated solutions, design bespoke workflows, increase operational efficiencies, and more closely align portfolio strategy with trade execution worldwide. Portware’s award-winning trade automation solutions are redefining the electronic trading landscape by empowering traders and portfolio managers to maximize liquidity access, minimize information leakage, and enhance trade execution quality consistently to outperform in today’s complex global markets.

FactSet (NYSE:FDS | NASDAQ:FDS) delivers superior analytics, service, content, and technology to help more than 85,000 users see and seize opportunity sooner. We are committed to giving investment professionals the edge to outperform, with fresh perspectives, informed insights, and the industry-leading support of our dedicated specialists. We're proud to have been recognized with multiple awards for our analytical and data-driven solutions and repeatedly ranked as one of Fortune's 100 Best Companies to Work For and a Best Workplace in the United Kingdom and France. Subscribe to our thought leadership blog to get fresh insight delivered daily at insight. factset. Learn more at factset and follow on Twitter: twitter/factset.

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Over $168 billion notional traded on the platform with measurable alpha preservation.

NEW YORK and LONDON — May 9th, 2017—Portware, a FactSet Company and a leading global provider of multi-asset trade automation solutions powered by artificial intelligence (AI), today announced continuous momentum for its Alpha Pro AI-enabled algorithmic trading management solution with over $168 billion notional traded on its platform. In an environment where active managers face increased pressure from passive trading strategies, Alpha Pro has proven to power the intelligent workflows required to enable traders to respond with improved performance while simultaneously lowering the total cost of trade, and of the tools to trade.

Alpha Pro uses predictive analytics to evaluate historical and real-time order flow, helping traders implement the execution schedules that best capture price opportunities and short-term alpha while minimizing market impact. With Alpha Pro, every order that arrives on a trader’s blotter can be analyzed, vetted, and paired with a recommended trading strategy, trade horizon, and recommended algo type selection. Its broker-neutral, data-driven analytics and insights give clients the freedom to use it for analysis alone, or analysis plus execution; when used for both analysis and execution, Alpha Pro optimizes trading schedules to deliver savings relative to proprietary and standard cost benchmarks, allowing traders to manage regulatory and administrative obligations while simultaneously preserving alpha.

Trades totaling more than $168 billion in notional value were analyzed and routed through Alpha Pro between March 2009 and March 2017, resulting in the following performance gains versus industry-standard and proprietary benchmarks:

• Alpha Pro delivered savings across all sectors, especially in small and micro cap stocks where it outperformed by a staggering 63 and 133 basis points (bps) respectively.

• Alpha Pro outperformed on large sized trades where order size was greater than 4% of average daily volume, and was highly effective for trades across liquidity profiles, especially less liquid names.

• Alpha Pro helped traders implement the execution schedules that best capture price opportunities and short-term alpha across 12 sectors, with greater savings for diversified, fund, energy and industrial sectors.

• Overall for orders executed with Alpha Pro, strategies outperformed proprietary and standard cost benchmarks by up to 18 bps. This is particularly important for traders today, who are inundated with large data volumes and must quickly analyze market conditions and execute best trading strategies while ensuring compliance.

“The bionic trading desk is here, and traders need the right support to capitalize on this new reality. In a market that moves in milliseconds, automating manual order steps lets a human trader do what they would if they had unlimited hours to focus on each individual order,” said Alfred Eskandar, CEO of Portware. “Portware’s AI technology supports, rather than replaces, traders, saving them countless hours that do not contribute to performance, and empowering them to focus their energy in areas that do. Our ability to customize and rationalize existing resources lets our clients’ extend the life of their existing technologies to help bring down the total cost of ownership of their trading infrastructure with every trade, for every customer.”

Portware helps traders automate multiple manual steps, integrating predictive analytics and AI-driven intelligent workflows built on top of data warehouses with advanced reporting capabilities. Portware tools use hundreds of points of information—including real-time market data feeds, proprietary data, web crawling, social media listening, and more—freeing traders to focus on critical analysis and more difficult orders.

Portware, a FactSet Company is a leading global provider of multi-asset trade automation solutions powered by artificial intelligence. Portware’s thinking execution management system (EMS) helps automate and streamline the buy side’s most complex trading workflows. Spanning more than three dozen offices in 15 countries together with FactSet, Portware works together with its clients to create highly customizable, automated solutions, design bespoke workflows, increase operational efficiencies, and more closely align portfolio strategy with trade execution worldwide. Portware’s award-winning trade automation solutions are redefining the electronic trading landscape by empowering traders and portfolio managers to maximize liquidity access, minimize information leakage, and enhance trade execution quality consistently to outperform in today’s complex global markets.

FactSet (NYSE:FDS | NASDAQ:FDS) delivers superior analytics, service, content, and technology to help more than 85,000 users see and seize opportunity sooner. We are committed to giving investment professionals the edge to outperform, with fresh perspectives, informed insights, and the industry-leading support of our dedicated specialists. We're proud to have been recognized with multiple awards for our analytical and data-driven solutions and repeatedly ranked as one of Fortune's 100 Best Companies to Work For and a Best Workplace in the United Kingdom and France. Subscribe to our thought leadership blog to get fresh insight delivered daily at insight. factset. Learn more at factset and follow on Twitter: twitter/factset.

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Portware Recognized as Best Buy-Side EMS.

NEW YORK AND LONDON, May 4, 2017—Portware, a FactSet company and a leading global provider of multi-asset trade automation solutions powered by artificial intelligence, today announced Markets Media has recognized Portware with the prestigious Markets Choice Award for Best Buy-Side EMS.

The Markets Choice Awards span the most important sectors of institutional trading and investing. The winners of the 2017 Markets Choice Awards were selected by market participants and readers and identify “the best of the best” among buy-side investors, traders and trading desks, sell-side execution desks, exchanges and platforms, traditional technology providers and emerging FinTech firms.

Portware Enterprise is a multi-asset thinking execution management system (EMS) that combines smart trade automation and execution with the latest in commission and visualization tools to support the buy-side’s most complex workflows and optimize alpha. The fully customizable, ultra-fast and open real-time system acts as a central platform to communicate, analyze and execute investment ideas for multiple global asset classes, empowering traders to make the most informed decisions in the shortest time. Portware seamlessly integrates with other systems to provide unconflicted access to the widest range of liquidity providers, broker algorithmic suites and trading destinations globally. The platform enables firms to customize and rationalize resources to extend the life of their existing technologies to bring down the TCO of their trading infrastructure with every trade, for every customer.

The latest version of the platform, Portware Enterprise 6.4, offers clients data warehousing functionality, advanced venue analysis and an enhanced ability to record and analyze growing volumes of execution and Indication of Interest (IOI) data. The addition of on-demand, customizable reporting functionality will help clients meet growing regulatory requirements such as MiFID II, while upgrades to Portware’s user interface offer greater customization. Users can now tailor even more of their individual workspaces to their evolving requirements, on-demand, via new “Unlock Any” functionality. Enterprise 6.4 users can also now launch FactSet reports with a single click from inside the Portware user interface, with reports opening directly in the FactSet workstation.

“Portware is committed to helping buy-side firms power the intelligent workflows required to improve trading performance while lowering the total cost of trade, and of the tools to trade,” said Alfred Eskandar, CEO of Portware. “We are honored that Markets Media has again recognized Portware as the Best Buy-Side EMS based on our partnership approach, global client growth and ability to continuously innovate to drive the most dynamic global trading operations.”

Portware, a FactSet company, is the first and only global provider of multi-asset trade automation solutions powered by artificial intelligence. Portware’s thinking EMS helps automate and streamline the buy side’s most complex trading workflows. Spanning more than three dozen offices in 15 countries together with FactSet, Portware works in partnership with its clients to create highly customizable, automated solutions to create bespoke workflows, increase operational efficiencies and more closely align portfolio strategy with trade execution worldwide. Part of FactSet Research Systems Inc. (NYSE; NASDAQ:FDS), Portware’s award-winning trade automation solutions are redefining the electronic trading landscape by empowering traders and portfolio managers to maximize liquidity access, minimize information leakage, and enhance trade execution quality consistently to outperform in today’s complex global markets.

New enhancements focus on alpha capture, A. I.-driven analytics, and regulatory compliance tools.

New York, Nov. 29 2018 – Portware, a FactSet Company and a leading global provider of multi-asset trade automation solutions powered by artificial intelligence (AI), today announced upgrades to its award-winning execution management system (EMS), Portware Enterprise. Portware Enterprise is a fully customizable “thinking” EMS designed to act as the central platform for the creation and execution of trading strategies for global equities, futures, options, fixed income, and FX. The latest version, Portware Enterprise 6.4, focuses on assisting traders in managing the regulatory and administrative burdens while freeing up their time to concentrate on preserving alpha with state-of-the-art, AI-driven tools.

Portware Enterprise 6.4 offers users data warehouse functionality, advanced venue analysis, and an enhanced ability to record and analyze growing volumes of execution and Indication of Interest (IOI) data. The addition of on-demand, customizable reporting functionality will help clients meet growing regulatory requirements, while upgrades to Portware’s user interface offer greater customization. Now traders can tailor even more of their individual workspaces to their evolving requirements, on demand, via new “Undock Any” functionality. Enterprise 6.4 users can now also launch FactSet reports with a single click from inside the Portware user interface, with reports opening directly in the FactSet workstation.

Further upgrades to Portware’s Wave Optimizer help portfolio managers and traders best determine how and where to route and execute their orders. At the same time, the underpinnings of Portware’s unique Alpha Pro artificial intelligence agent have been expanded such that every order on a trader’s blotter can now benefit from advanced analytics and strategy suggestions—without first-party data having to leave the firm.

“Traders today are inundated with data. When a fundamental challenge is merely sifting through the noise to find a signal, traders need smarter tools that can help them analyze market conditions and execute the best trading strategy for a particular order at any given time—while simultaneously meeting their regulatory obligations,” said Alfred Eskandar, CEO of Portware. “An EMS should not just be a staging and order routing tool—it needs to add measurable value. Portware Enterprise 6.4 gives our clients much needed tools to improve their most complex global trading strategies. With our expanding FactSet integration we can offer a more robust trading solution and deliver on our joint commitment to provide the investment community with state-of-the-art analytic and execution applications across the portfolio lifecycle.”

“Market volatility and dynamic regional compliance initiatives are placing greater pressure on buy-side firms as they look to reduce technology complexity, cut costs and manage increasingly complicated workflows. New best execution requirements and pending regulatory mandates like MiFID II will force firms to demonstrate they can effectively store, analyze and report on their execution data,” said Richard Johnson, VP, Market Structure and Technology, at Greenwich Associates. “Firms will need to ensure they have access to advanced execution systems that can customize strategies and offer superior analytics necessary to deliver venue analysis and customized reporting.”

Portware, a FactSet company, is the first and only global provider of multi-asset trade automation solutions powered by artificial intelligence. Portware’s thinking EMS helps automate and streamline the buy side’s most complex trading workflows. Spanning more than three dozen offices in 15 countries together with FactSet, Portware works in partnership with its clients to create highly customizable, automated solutions to create bespoke workflows, increase operational efficiencies and more closely align portfolio strategy with trade execution worldwide. Part of FactSet Research Systems Inc. (NYSE; NASDAQ:FDS), Portware’s award-winning trade automation solutions are redefining the electronic trading landscape by empowering traders and portfolio managers to maximize liquidity access, minimize information leakage, and enhance trade execution quality consistently to outperform in today’s complex global markets.

FactSet Research Systems Inc.

Phone: +1 (203) 810 2144.

Premier sovereign wealth fund deploys smart automation for global trading operations.

New York, Singapore – June 29, 2018 – Portware, a FactSet company and a leading global provider of multi-asset trade automation solutions powered by artificial intelligence, today announced that GIC, Singapore’s sovereign wealth fund, has selected Portware Enterprise as its global execution management system (EMS). GIC considers the integration of advanced analytics and leading edge technology critical to its commitment to best execution, and this philosophy was a driving factor in the selection.

Founded in 2000, Portware is the financial industry's leading developer of broker-neutral trading solutions for global equities, futures, options, and FX. With offices in New York, London, Hong Kong, and Hyderabad, Portware works in partnership with its clients to create highly integrated solutions to streamline workflows and increase operational efficiencies on trading desks worldwide. Portware's flagship product, Portware Enterprise, is a fully customizable trade management and execution system for single stock, portfolio, basket, automated and algorithmic trading. For more information, please visit portware.

FactSet Research Systems Inc.

Phone: +1 (203) 810 2144.

To stand out in a crowd of trading-software competitors, a company needs technology and innovation as table stakes. Portware had that in early 2018 -- the New York-based company was 12 years old, and investment firms were running an aggregate $3 trillion in assets on its execution management systems. But growth had slowed, and Portware's board, in search of new energy and ideas, hired Alfred Eskandar, a member of the founding team of buy-side trading platform Liquidnet, as CEO. Today, Portware's managed-assets total is $10 trillion, payback on product initiatives like Alpha Vision, which introduced real-time predictive analytics to the process of optimizing execution strategy. Portware's transformation may have only just begun, because it was acquired by financial information company FactSet Research Systems in October for $265 million in cash.

Portware, a FactSet company and the first and only global provider of multi-asset trade automation solutions powered by artificial intelligence, today announced that Wall Street Letter recognized Portware for the fourth year in a row with the prestigious WSL Institutional Trading Award for Best FX Trading Platform.

Evaluated by a panel of independent judges, the WSL Awards recognize brokerage firms, exchanges, and financial technology companies for achievements and innovation in the institutional trading industry over the last year. Portware received the Best FX Trading Platform award based on its proven innovation, demonstrated client satisfaction, and positive impact on the market.

Portware FX provides traders with a real-time view of the entire FX marketplace through a single, fully customizable front end trading environment. The comprehensive FX trading solution aggregates liquidity from all global providers including banks, ECNs and interdealer platforms to streamline complex workflows and give traders maximum choice with respect to trading strategies and order routing destinations. Portware’s customizable algorithmic strategies, powerful analytics, and end-to-end workflow integration give users a compelling and complete FX trading solution that brings new efficiencies to FX trading.

“Portware continues to enhance our FX platform to give our clients the performance, customization, and workflow integration they need to drive their complex FX trading strategies, and we are honored that Wall Street Letter has again recognized our commitment to innovation and ongoing growth,” said Alfred Eskandar, CEO of Portware. “It’s this proven dedication to excellent client service and engagement that has fueled the success in our global FX business.”

Founded in 2000, Portware LLC is the financial industry's leading developer of broker-neutral trading solutions for global equities, futures, options and FX. With offices in New York, London, Hong Kong, and Hyderabad, Portware works in partnership with its clients to create highly integrated solutions to streamline workflows and increase operational efficiencies on trading desks worldwide. Portware's flagship product, Portware Enterprise, is a fully customizable trade management and execution system for single stock, portfolio, basket, automated and algorithmic trading. For more information, please visit portware.

FactSet is a leading provider of integrated financial information and analytical applications. More than 63,000 users stay ahead of global market trends, access extensive company and industry intelligence, and monitor performance with FactSet's desktop analytics, mobile applications, and comprehensive data feeds. The Company has been included in FORTUNE's Top 100 Best Companies to Work For, the United Kingdom's Great Places to Work, and France's Best Workplaces. FactSet is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ (NYSE:FDS|NASDAQ:FDS). Learn more at factset, and follow FactSet on Twitter: twitter/factset.

New York, February 26, 2018—Portware, a FactSet company and the first and only global provider of multi-asset trade automation solutions powered by artificial intelligence, today announced that Markets Media has recognized Portware and FactSet Research Systems Inc. (NYSE: FDS | NASDAQ: FDS), with the Markets Choice Award for Best M&A Deal.

First announced on September 22, 2018, the transaction enables FactSet to support client workflows in additional segments of the investment process. Portware is an award-winning, multi-asset execution management system (EMS) that is trusted by the world’s largest asset managers. Together, FactSet and Portware provide the investment community with state-of-the-art analytic and execution applications across the portfolio lifecycle, from analyst to portfolio manager to trader.

The winners of the 2018 Markets Choice Awards were selected by Markets Media’s advisory board and recommendations from market participants and readers. The Markets Choice Awards select “the best of the best” among sell-side desks, institutional buy-side investors, technology providers, hedge funds and exchanges.

“FactSet and Portware share a commitment to delivering exceptional client experience and continuous innovation, and we knew our similar approaches would provide measurable value to our clients,” said Alfred Eskandar, CEO, Portware. “We are excited and humbled that the industry has recognized the significance this transaction holds for the global investment community.”

FactSet, a leading provider of financial information and analytics, helps the world’s best investment professionals outperform. More than 62,000 users stay ahead of global market trends, access extensive company and industry intelligence, and monitor performance with FactSet’s desktop analytics, mobile applications, and comprehensive data feeds. FactSet has been included in FORTUNE’s Top 100 Best Companies to Work For, the United Kingdom’s Great Places to Work and France’s Best Workplaces. FactSet is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ (NYSE: FDS | NASDAQ: FDS). Learn more at factset, and follow on Twitter: twitter/factset.

Founded in 2000, Portware LLC is the financial industry’s leading developer of broker-neutral trading solutions for global equities, futures, options and FX. With offices in New York, London, Hong Kong and Hyderabad, Portware works in partnership with its clients to create highly integrated solutions to streamline workflows and increase operational efficiencies on trading desks worldwide. Portware’s flagship product, Portware Enterprise, is a fully customizable trade management and execution system for single stock, portfolio, basket, automated and algorithmic trading. For more information, please visit portware.

New York/Hong Kong/London, November 9, 2018 – Portware, a FactSet company and the first and only global provider of multi-asset trade automation solutions powered by artificial intelligence, today announced it has been named the Best Buy-side execution management system (EMS) in the 2018 Buy Side Technology Awards. The win marks the third year Portware has been recognized for its market-defining flagship product, Portware Enterprise.

According to Buy Side Technology, the best buy-side EMS award recognizes the platform that features multi-broker/exchange connectivity, pre-trade transaction cost analysis (TCA), algorithmic trading tools and direct market access (DMA), and strong integration capabilities with order management systems (OMSs). Judged by an experienced panel of journalists, independent analysts, and industry experts, the award recognizes Portware as the only multi-asset EMS to combine smart trade automation and execution to bolster the buy side’s most complex workflows and optimize alpha. Portware’s fully customizable, ultra-fast, and open real-time EMS serves as a central platform to communicate, analyze, and execute investment ideas to make the most informed decisions across asset classes in the shortest time.

The win caps another impressive year for Portware, including an expanded global footprint across the Americas, EMEA, and APAC and new client acquisition that sees Portware servicing clients managing over $9 trillion collectively in assets. Portware is now supported by FactSet Research Systems Inc. (NYSE; NASDAQ: FDS), which acquired Portware for $265 million. FactSet's superior financial research, insights, and analytics, together with Portware's award-winning multi-asset trading technology will allow investment professionals worldwide to receive the most comprehensive investment solutions across the entire trade lifecycle. Portware’s highly customizable EMS will continue to provide powerful trade analysis and automation with deeper integration of FactSet data to more closely align portfolio strategy with trade execution.

“Portware’s continued industry recognition is a testament to our clients and their continued support and collaboration as we drive our vision for a new kind of truly multi-asset, smart trading platform,” said Alfred Eskandar, CEO, Portware. “Global buy-sides are faced with increasingly complex business and trading challenges, and we are honored that they continue to turn to Portware as a trusted partner and recognize our commitment to constantly innovating to give our clients the custom solutions they need.”

FactSet Research Systems Inc.

New York, November 6, 2018 – Portware, a FactSet company and the first and only global provider of multi-asset trade automation solutions powered by artificial intelligence, today announced that Global Finance has included Portware in its first annual list of forex leaders, “The Innovators 2018 – Foreign Exchange.” Portware was selected for its proven innovation, rapid growth in FX business, and comprehensive FX trading solutions.

The list is compiled by members of the Global Finance editorial board to provide recognition to outstanding members of the foreign exchange space who have implemented breakthrough products and improved services to transform FX strategy and mitigate risk. Today, asset managers face increasing challenges in navigating the evolving FX market and regulatory requirements. Portware has made significant investment in technology and resources to help asset managers manage complex, multi-asset workflows across the trade lifecycle.

Portware FX provides traders with a real-time view of the entire FX marketplace through a single, fully customizable front-end trading environment. The comprehensive FX trading solution aggregates liquidity from all global providers including banks, ECNs, and interdealer platforms to streamline complex workflows and give traders maximum choice with respect to trading strategies and order routing destinations. Portware’s customizable algorithmic strategies, powerful analytics, and end-to-end workflow integration give users a compelling and complete FX trading solution that brings new efficiencies to FX trading.

“We’re honored by this recognition from Global Finance, which validates our contribution and dedication to our clients in the evolving FX marketplace,” said Alfred Eskandar, CEO, Portware. “As a leading multi-asset execution management provider to global asset managers, we continue our commitment to innovation with a truly customizable and intelligent platform for smart automation.”

FactSet Research Systems Inc.

FactSet Completes Acquisition of Portware, Execution Management System (EMS) Provider, and Updates First Quarter Fiscal 2018 Guidance.

NORWALK, Conn., October 16, 2018 – FactSet Research Systems Inc. (NYSE: FDS) (NASDAQ: FDS), a leading provider of integrated financial information and analytical applications to the global investment community, today announced that following regulatory approval, it has completed its acquisition of all the issued and outstanding membership interests of Portware, LLC. FactSet funded the acquisition by borrowing $265 million under its existing revolving credit facility today.

First announced on September 22, 2018, the transaction enables FactSet to support client workflows in additional segments of the investment process. Portware is an award-winning, multi-asset execution management system (EMS) that is trusted by the world's largest asset managers. Together, FactSet and Portware expect to provide the investment community with state-of-the-art analytic and execution applications across more of the portfolio lifecycle, from analyst to portfolio manager to trader.

“We are excited to bring Portware into the FactSet family and we are confident that our clients will benefit from the proven innovation and talented leadership behind our combined efforts,” said Phil Snow, CEO of FactSet.

Alfred Eskandar, CEO of Portware, added, “We are thrilled to provide FactSet’s clients with our multi-asset EMS that will deliver smart automation and streamlined workflows to address their global trading needs.”

The world’s top-performing financial professionals rely on FactSet's financial research, insights, and analytics. Portware embeds its solutions into each client's trading ecosystem, emphasizing the automation of simpler trade executions and enabling traders to focus on adding more value to their most complex trades. FactSet and Portware plan to provide more powerful tools and services to align a firm’s portfolio strategy more closely with its trade execution.

Updated Business Outlook for the First Quarter of Fiscal 2018.

The following forward-looking statements reflect FactSet’s expectations as of today’s date. Given the number of risk factors, uncertainties and assumptions discussed below, actual results may differ materially. FactSet does not intend to update its forward-looking statements until its next quarterly results announcement, other than in publicly available statements.

First Quarter Fiscal 2018 Expectations (the expectations below include the results from the acquisition of Portware)

• Revenues are expected to range between $270 million and $274 million.

• Operating margin is expected to range between 32.0% and 33.0%.

• The annual effective tax rate is expected to range between 31.0% and 32.0%, and assumes the U. S. Federal R&D tax credit will not be re-enacted by the end of the first quarter of fiscal 2018.

• GAAP diluted EPS should range between $1.44 and $1.46. Transaction fees of approximately $1 million related to the Portware acquisition have been excluded from this GAAP diluted EPS range.

• The lapse in the U. S. Federal R&D tax credit on December 31, 2017, reduced each end of the GAAP diluted EPS range by $0.02 compared to the recently completed fourth quarter. If the U. S. Federal R&D tax credit is re-enacted by November 30, 2018, diluted EPS would range between $1.49 and $1.51. FactSet would also recognize an income tax benefit of $0.14 per share if the R&D tax credit could be retroactively applied to previous periods.

FactSet, a leading provider of financial information and analytics, helps the world's best investment professionals outperform. More than 62,000 users stay ahead of global market trends, access extensive company and industry intelligence, and monitor performance with FactSet's desktop analytics, mobile applications, and comprehensive data feeds. The Company has been included in FORTUNE's Top 100 Best Companies to Work For, the United Kingdom's Great Places to Work and France's Best Workplaces. FactSet is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ (NYSE:FDS) (NASDAQ:FDS). Learn more at factset, and follow us on Twitter: twitter/factset.

Founded in 2000, Portware, LLC is the financial industry's leading developer of broker-neutral, automated trading solutions for global equities, futures, options and FX. Com escritórios em Nova York, Londres, Hong Kong e Hyderabad, a Portware trabalha em parceria com seus clientes para criar soluções altamente integradas para agilizar o fluxo de trabalho e aumentar a eficiência operacional nas mesas comerciais em todo o mundo. Portware's flagship product, Portware Enterprise, is a fully customizable trade management and execution system for single stock, portfolio, basket, automated and algorithmic trading. For more information, please visit portware.

This news release contains forward-looking statements based on management's current expectations, estimates and projections. All statements that address expectations or projections about the future, including statements about the Company's strategy for growth, product development, market position, subscriptions, expected expenditures and financial results are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements may be identified by words like "expects," "anticipates," "plans," "intends," "projects," "should," "indicates," "continues," "subscriptions" and similar expressions. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions. Many factors, including those discussed more fully elsewhere in this release and in FactSet's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, particularly its latest annual report on Form 10-K and quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, as well as others, could cause results to differ materially from those stated. These factors include, but are not limited to: the current status of the global economy; the ability to integrate newly acquired companies and businesses; the stability of global securities markets; the ability to hire qualified personnel; the maintenance of the Company's leading technological position; the impact of global market trends on the Company's revenue growth rate and future results of operations; the negotiation of contract terms with corporate vendors, data suppliers and potential landlords; the retention of key clients; the successful resolution of ongoing audits by tax authorities; the continued employment of key personnel; the absence of U. S. or foreign governmental regulation restricting international business; and the sustainability of historical levels of profitability and growth rates in cash flow generation.

CONTACT: Rachel Stern.

FactSet Research Systems Inc., a leading provider of integrated financial information and analytical applications to the global investment community, has agreed to acquire Portware, LLC. Following regulatory review, the transaction is expected to close before the end of FactSet's first fiscal quarter. - See more at: factset/news/20180922070000.

New York and London, March 26, 2018—Portware, the first and only provider of multi-asset trade automation solutions powered by artificial intelligence, today announced results for the first quarter of 2018. Driven by continuous product innovation in the new age of trade automation, Portware signed a record number of new clients and experienced 40% year-over-year growth, most notably a dramatic growth in FX. Portware continues to grow its global footprint throughout the Americas, EMEA and APAC and now serves clients that collectively manage over $8.5 trillion in assets.

Global tier-one institutions continue to employ Portware for its unique ability to address their most complex multi-asset workflows. Portware’s customizable platform offers traders unprecedented real time decision support tools and helps institutions intelligently automate their trading workflows across the globe. Portware Enterprise helps institutions create and execute strategies for global equities, futures, options and FX with centralized control, advanced data visualization capabilities and intelligent execution routing. Portware’s AlphaVision uses predictive analytics to empower traders to automatically select, implement, monitor and adjust algorithms to achieve an optimal trading strategy.

The industry’s push to automate FX trading strategies also helped fuel dramatic growth in Portware’s FX business over the last year. Portware FX provides a real-time consolidated view of the entire FX marketplace to deliver a custom trading environment with next generation algo strategies, its Smart Trade Assistant (STA) and decision supports tools. With access to FX Liquidity Monitor (FXLM), Portware’s transaction cost analysis (TCA) and post-trade reporting toolset, FX clients are afforded greater visibility into their trading performance.

Other recent Portware milestones include:

• Achieved global, multi-asset customer wins in North America, EMEA and Asia Pac representing nearly $3.5 trillion in assets under management.

• Added new clients in Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan and Taiwan.

• Announced plans to open a Singapore office and additional hires in the Hong Kong office to support growing client demand.

• Signed partnership agreements with leading and innovative companies: S3, Markit and Equinix.

• Given consistent industry recognition for Portware’s core offerings, with award wins and accolades including: Wall Street Letter’s Best FX Trading Platform and Markets Media’s and Waters Technology’s Best Buy-Side EMS. In addition, CEO Alfred Eskandar was named to the Institutional Investor Trading Technology 40.

New York, February 23, 2018—Portware, the leading and largest provider of multi-asset trade automation solutions for tier one global asset managers, today announced Markets Media has recognized Portware for the third consecutive year with the prestigious Markets Choice Award for Best Buy-Side EMS.

The winners of the 2018 Markets Choice Awards were selected by Markets Media’s advisory board and recommendations from market participants and readers. The Markets Choice Awards identify “the best of the best” among sell-side desks, institutional buy-side investors, technology providers, hedge funds and exchanges.

Portware Enterprise is an industry-leading, multi-asset trading platform that combines artificial intelligence and quantitative analytics with advanced visualization, algo management, transaction cost analysis (TCA) and commission optimization tools for real-time decision support. The platform includes pre-, intra - and post-trade analytics, smart order routing and customizable execution strategies that empower traders with unprecedented control to optimize trade execution and maximize alpha. Tier one global buy-side firms favor Portware’s ability to automate their most complex workflows and strategies across multiple asset classes including equities, FX, futures, options, fixed income and OTC instruments.

Portware’s ability to partner and integrate with other systems enables traders to access other best of breed solutions and deliver additional competitive advantages. This is a testament to the openness of the Portware platform and the company’s creative approach to automate unique buy-side workflows.

“Our continued adoption by the most sophisticated global buy-side firms is fueled by our ability to work with our customers to understand their unique trading needs and deliver a flexible platform with a new level of automation and intelligent execution,” said Alfred Eskandar, CEO, Portware. “We’re honored that Markets Media has again recognized Portware as the Best Buy-Side EMS based on our ongoing investment in product innovation and commitment to solve our clients’ complex trading challenges.”

February 11, 2018—Portware, the leading and largest provider of multi-asset trade automation.

solutions for tier one global asset managers, today announced Wall Street Letter has recognized Portware for the third consecutive year with the WSL Institutional Trading Award for Best FX Trading Platform.

Determined by a panel of independent judges, analysts and industry experts, the WSL Awards recognize financial technology companies, brokerage firms and exchanges for achievements and innovation over the last year. Portware was selected based on record global growth in FX volumes, continued innovation and ability to attract top tier global clients to its highly-customizable platform.

Portware FX provides traders with a real-time view of the entire FX marketplace through a single, fully.

customizable front end trading environment. The platform delivers an embedded suite of customizable execution strategies, a wide range of algorithmic strategies from third parties and a liquidity aggregation engine that enables automation of complex workflows, improves execution quality and increases trading efficiencies. Portware’s FX Liquidity Monitor (FXLM) provides a robust TCA and post-trade reporting toolset and increased intelligence around smart order routing and benchmarking in response to industry regulations for increased trade visibility and performance measurement and optimization.

“The explosive growth in our FX business is due to our ability to collaborate with our clients to understand their deepest pain points and provide the customized algos, real-time TCA and consolidated view they need to.

automate their most complex FX workflows,” said Alfred Eskandar, CEO, Portware. “We’re honored Wall Street.

Letter has acknowledged our ongoing commitment to customer service as we continue to enhance our platform to give our clients the greatest competitive edge possible.”

December 8, 2017 – PORTWARE, the leading and largest provider of multi-asset trade automation solutions for tier one global asset managers, today announced a partnership to deliver point of trade analytics to the buy side. The solution will integrate Markit TCA, Markit’s pre - and post-trade transaction cost analysis (TCA) platform, into Portware’s award-winning Execution Management System (EMS) to deliver next generation TCA seamlessly integrated with the trader’s workflow for best execution and enhanced decision support.

Portware Enterprise is a multi-asset thinking EMS that automates and bolsters the buy side’s most complex workflows. It brings measurable efficiencies and workflow automation to the trading desk by using artificial intelligence to give traders and portfolio managers the highest level of real-time color and TCA on their orders. PORTWARE has integrated Markit TCA into Portware Enterprise allowing clients to view trading analytics directly in their trade blotter. Portware and Markit will develop highly-optimized collaborative workflows that integrate point-of-trade analytics information for liquidity management and optimal trade execution. PORTWARE also has seamless integration with Markit’s post-trade TCA tool, which means that client execution data can be processed automatically for further analysis.

“The buy side’s growing need for cost and performance controls requires custom technology solutions as complexity in market structure increases. Portware’s open architecture and limitless integration potential with partners allows us to uniquely address these needs,” said Alfred Eskandar, CEO of PORTWARE. “Portware’s record client wins over the last year are a testament to the flexibility and strategic value this approach adds. The ability to have at-trade analytics is crucial as firms seek to minimize transaction costs and enhance performance of their executions and this gives them access to an independent global analysis platform.”

Markit TCA is a global equity and FX trading analysis platform for buy side and sell side firms. Designed by traders, Markit TCA delivers the metrics necessary to streamline performance-based order routing and optimal trade strategy selection. It combines comprehensive historical trading performance metrics with up-to-date forecasts and directional signals.

Tom Conigliaro, managing director at Markit, said: “The integration of Markit TCA with PORTWARE’s trading solutions will help institutional investors by providing them with greater insight for their trading decisions. Markit’s high quality pre - and post-trade analytics, combined with PORTWARE’s state of the art trading technology, helps customers manage trading costs and cumulative price impact, as well as overall execution quality.”

Founded in 2000, Portware LLC is the financial industry's leading developer of broker-neutral trading solutions for global equities, futures, options and FX. With offices in New York, London, Hong Kong and Hyderabad, Portware works in partnership with its clients to create highly integrated solutions to streamline workflows and increase operational efficiencies on trading desks worldwide. Portware's flagship product, Portware Enterprise, is a fully customizable trade management and execution system for single stock, portfolio, basket, automated and algorithmic trading. For more information, please visit portware.

Articulate Communications Inc.

Markit is a leading global diversified provider of financial information services. We provide products that enhance transparency, reduce risk and improve operational efficiency. Our customers include banks, hedge funds, asset managers, central banks, regulators, auditors, fund administrators and insurance companies. Founded in 2003, we employ over 3,000 people in 10 countries. Markit shares are listed on Nasdaq under the symbol “MRKT.” For more information, please see markit.

Award acknowledges record global client growth, unparalleled product innovation and deep multi-asset coverage.

New York, Hong Kong, and London, November 13, 2017—Portware, the first and only global provider of multi-asset trade automation solutions powered by artificial intelligence, today announced that Buy Side Technology has again recognized Portware Enterprise as the Best Buy-side execution management system (EMS) in the 2017 Buy Side Technology Awards. Portware Enterprise was selected for its unique combination of customization, pre - and post-trade analytics and multi-asset coverage that set it apart from other systems. The win comes on the heels of a record year for the company, as several global asset managers including Invesco and The Boston Company have selected Portware as the centralized hub for execution management across asset classes (incl. global equities, FX, futures, options and fixed income).

Judged by a panel of experienced journalists, independent analysts and industry experts, the award recognizes Portware as the only EMS provider to combine artificial intelligence, visualization, algo and commission optimization tools for real-time decision support. According to Buy Side Technology, the best buy-side EMS award recognizes the platform that features true multi-broker/exchange connectivity, pre-trade transaction cost analysis (TCA), sophisticated algorithmic trading tools and direct market access (DMA) and strong integration capabilities with order management systems (OMSs).

Portware’ has achieved record growth over the last year and recorded more new client wins than any other point in the company’s history, including tier-1 asset managers who manage more than $3 trillion of assets. Global buy-side firms choose Portware for its unique ability to address their most complex workflows across multiple asset classes with a truly customizable and real-time platform that helps users efficiently automate and optimize alpha. Portware has shown sustained, significant global growth across the U. S., Europe and Asia and continues to invest in product innovation to deliver the premier thinking EMS to global financial institutions.

“Our clients have been amazingly supportive and engaged in helping us achieve this honor. They have partnered with us to bring to market ideas and features that are pushing buy side capabilities to new heights. They have also been instrumental and generous with their time in talking to other buy side firms on our behalf—we could not ask for more” said Alfred Eskandar, CEO, Portware. “Market structure complexities and the electronification of other assets classes will drive more demand for custom trading technologies and we are honored to be recognized as the firm that is leading the pack.”

Founded in 2000, Portware LLC is the financial industry's leading developer of broker-neutral trading solutions for global equities, futures, options and FX. With offices in New York, London, Hong Kong and Hyderabad, Portware works in partnership with its clients to create highly integrated solutions to streamline workflows and increase operational efficiencies on trading desks worldwide. Portware's flagship product, Portware Enterprise, is a fully customizable trade management and execution system for single stock, portfolio, basket, automated and algorithmic trading. For more information, please visit portware.

Portware, the first and only global provider of multi-asset trade automation solutions powered by artificial intelligence, today announced the completion of private equity financing led by Long Ridge Equity Partners and the Portware Executive team. The minority recapitalization maintains Portware’s independence and recognizes the company’s proven record of innovation and success in delivering award-winning multi-asset trading solutions. The new financing will be used to retire all outstanding debt and provide additional resources for growth initiatives. This transaction follows a period of dramatic growth for the company, as Portware Enterprise has recently been selected by global institutions representing more than $3 trillion in assets under management as the centralized hub for execution management across global equities, FX, futures, options and fixed income.

Founded in 2000, Portware is a leading provider of execution management systems (EMS) to global financial institutions. The company is the only EMS provider to combine artificial intelligence, visualization, algo and commission optimization tools for real-time decision support. Portware Enterprise is an ultra-fast, open, thinking EMS that automates and bolsters the buy side’s most complex workflows.

“We have made significant investments in our products, people and infrastructure to ensure continued success, and this transaction will further strengthen our firm as we continue to expand globally,” said Alfred Eskandar, CEO of Portware.

“Our success is rooted in our approach of collaborating with our clients to identify their unique processes, pain points and workflows and engineer the right solutions to turn their challenges into opportunities. This type of focused commitment to our clients has allowed Portware to flourish and continuously post record results over the last several years while the industry contracted,” added Scott DePetris, President and COO of Portware.

“Portware’s results-oriented management team has built an impressive track record and is respected for their unconventional thinking that drives product innovation and measurable client value,” said Jim Brown, Managing Partner of Long Ridge Equity Partners. “Their strong industry pedigree combined with the firm’s impressive global growth gives us confidence that Portware will continue to deliver the most innovative and robust trade automation solutions to the institutional trading community.”

As part of the transaction, Jim Brown will join the Portware Board of Directors. Portware will remain an independent company with majority ownership remaining with founders and the management team.

Broadhaven acted as exclusive advisor to Portware, and Morgan Lewis served as the company’s legal counsel for the transaction.

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